On one of the hottest April days on record, around 300 Rugby Folk attended the 1st Scottish
Golden Oldies Rugby Festival which took place at Perthshire RFC on Sunday 19th April.
Although 16 Teams had registered for the Festival, the Organisers were delighted with the 14 Teams which took part….many of whom, were entering a Golden Oldies Festival for the first Time. Some, like the Strollers from Aberdeen and the Zingari from Kirkcaldy, are seasoned Golden Oldies Teams, but more most, this was a new experience.
The Festival commenced with a short Demonstration Game between the
Puffin Gannets from North Berwick and the Kirkcaldy Zingari to show the spectators the subtle variations to the Laws of regular Rugby. Golden Oldies Games are played over shorter periods of Time, there is unlimited substitution, over aggressive Play is not condoned and a Player’s age is shown by the colour of shorts he wears….and over 60’s can’t be tackled. Although Awards are won, there are no Trophies for ‘ winning ‘ as these Festivals convey the Golden Oldies ethos of –
Fun, Friendship and Fraternity.This Festival was developed as part of the Legacy of the 17th World Golden Oldies Rugby Festival, held in Edinburgh last September, and was one of the European Golden Oldies Rugby 2009 Series of Events.
The Teams participating were –
Aberdeen Strollers, Anniesland Anarchists, Blairgowrie, Dirty Old Men, Dunfermline Greyhounds, Forth Valley Fossils, Howe Occasionals, Kinross, Kirkcaldy, Perthshire Famous Grouse,
Puffin Gannets, Rosyth, Strathmore Griffons and Waid. ( HOW COME WE GOT THE TOUGH TEAMS ?? )
European Golden Oldies Rugby President – Dave McDonald - stated …….
“ We couldn’t have had a better day for the Festival and I’m delighted that we had 14 Teams for our 1st Scottish Festival. A big Thank You go to The Famous Grouse and Highland Spring for the supplies of liquid…of different types, Premier Inns and all who advertised in the Festival Brochure. I also wish to express my gratitude to our Refs, Medics and Physios for their expert input into the Event. Special Thanks go to Andy Cummins and his Organising Team, Volunteers and Helpers at Perthshire RFC - who made the day the great success it undoubtedly was. ”
Dave was delighted when SRU President – Jim Stevenson – called him and stated he would be happy to participate in the Festival, having played at the World Festival last Autumn and Dave offered him a Guest place with the Strollers. The fact that Jim had been speaking at the Arran RFC the night before and had gone to Perth as soon as was possible shows the measure of the Man and the support he gives to Grass Roots Rugby….of all ages. ( VOTE FOR JIM ! )
Smaller Golden Oldies Events were being discussed at the Festival and the possibility of repeating the Scottish Festival next year, with a lot of positive interest being shown. All participants were delighted with their day’s Rugby. ( APART FROM THE 74% OF THE PUFFINS WHO RETURNED HOME INJURED AND VERY WEARY )
An Open Meeting will be held in Perthshire RFC on Sunday 17th May, Chaired by Jim Stevenson Esq at 2.00 pm when a review of the Festival will take place and an Inaugural General Meeting of Scottish Golden Oldies Rugby will follow to formalise the Organisation and plane for future Events and Festivals. All Golden Oldies Clubs …..or Individuals interested in Golden Oldies Rugby, are welcome. Details can be found on the Website -
www.pitchero.com/clubs/scottishgoldenoldiesrugbyThe Awards, Sponsored by Air New Zealand Golden Oldies Rugby were –
Oldest Player Award Fred Crowe Strathmore Griffons 71 years young
Festival Personality Award Andy Goudie Perthshire RFC
Referee of the Festival Award James McGuigan
Golden Oldies Spirit Award Puffin GannetsBest Supported Team Perthshire RFC
Outstanding Team Award Strathmore Griffons
Organisers’ Awards Andy Cummins and Bob Lindsay
Further Information on all aspects of Golden Oldies Rugby, is available from
Dave McDonald on 07866 910 865 or mcgoldiego@hotmail.com
For information on –
European Golden Oldies Rugby –
http://www.europeangoldenoldiesrugby.com/European Golden Oldies Rugby Festival 2010 –
www.ygogs.com/2010World Golden Oldies Rugby Festival 2010 in Sydney –
http://www.goldenoldiessports.com/Dave McDonaldPresident
European Golden Oldies Rugby Committee
126 Osborne PlaceAberdeen
AB25 2DU01224 644 74907866 910 865